Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Academy - Summer 2024

Campbell Community Center

CERT Academy to trains residents on disaster preparedness skills in the event of a disaster or public safety emergency. Participants will learn disaster preparedness, disaster medical operations, disaster psychology, fire suppression, light search and rescue, and terrorism awareness.

Campbell CERT Academy - Weekends

Campbell Community Center

Will you be prepared to help your family, neighbors, or co-workers if a major earthquake or wildfire hits our area?

When the next big earthquake or wildfire hits, local police, fire, and ambulance services will be overwhelmed with massive...

Campbell CERT Academy - Weeknights

Campbell Community Center

Will you be prepared to help your family, neighbors, or co-workers if a major earthquake or wildfire hits our area?

When the next big earthquake or wildfire hits, local police, fire, and ambulance services will be overwhelmed with massive...

GoFundMe in Support of Campbell CERT

The Campbell Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a California nonprofit corporation. With a membership of over 200 volunteers, we bolster city-wide disaster resilience by building teams of neighborhood volunteers who are trained, organized, equipped, and responsive to any...

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Academy

1/14 - 2/1
Campbell Community Center

CERT (Community Emergency Response Training) training academies are offered to the community. Some of the skills taught include personal preparedness, organizing resources, basic medical operations, basic search and rescue, how to use a fire extinguisher and basic damage assessment.

Multi-day event ending on Sat Feb 01, 2020

Stop The Bleed: Bleeding Control Basics Class

Campbell Community Center

Just as CPR saves lives, so does knowing how to stop a massive bleed (think trauma, mass shooter, bombings, etc.). This 90-minute class trains bystanders to become educated, equipped, and empowered to assist in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.

Red Cross Basic First Aid (no CPR)

Campbell Community Center

This course will prepare you to recognize and care for a variety of first aid, breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children and infants. This First Aid class is normally offered at a price of $55 through the American Red Cross, but Campbell CERT is providing this class for free to the general public.

Earthquake Safety Training For the Entire Family with Campbell CERT

Campbell Community Center

You and your family (all ages) are invited to a free educational event to learn the essentials of earthquake safety. You will learn how to prepare and what to do during an earthquake. There is even a brief topic on your pets.
