This year marks the 30th anniversary of celebrating the holidays at the Ainsley House and the Ainsley House will be beautifully adorned to transform the Ainsley House into a magical and unforgettable holiday experience.
Step back in time to 1926 Campbell and relive the gripping tale of the daring bank robbery that shocked the community. Join us for an evening filled with intrigue and suspense as David Blinn, Campbell Museum Researcher, unravels the true story behind this audacious heist.
Join us for a profound journey through history as Yoshiko Kanazawa shares her personal account of incarceration in Japanese internment camps during World War II. Hear her story of resilience and reflection, spanning nearly three and a half years in camps located in Tulare, California, and Gila River, Arizona.
He was one of California's most captivating figures. Over 100 locations across California bear his name and his legacy continues to this day, but was he a notorious bandit or a folk hero? Join us for an intriguing evening of exploring the truths and myths of the life of Joaquín Murrieta.
Heart Matter's innovative, original songs combine the intentionality of chamber music with the grounded yet agile nature of Brazilian rhythm, the spontaneity of jazz improvisation, and soul-stirring lyrics.
The Ainsley House is excited to be open this holiday season with Holiday events for the whole family. The Campbell Museum Foundation’s annual Holiday Teas and Tours fundraiser will take place on December 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, and 10.
Santa Claus will be in the Sun Porch room of the historic Ainsley House greeting families, accepting Christmas lists, and spreading Holiday joy! Don't miss an opportunity to take Holiday photos with Santa Claus!