How to Watch the Zombie Crawl in Downtown Campbell without Being Eaten

Posted on October 18th, 2024 by Downtown Campbell

I always get asked for tips on the best way to observe the annual Zombie Crawl Dance Mob. The first thing to think about is safety. Zombies can't touch you if you're dressed up as Colonel Sanders, Popeye, Olive Oyl, or a Priest. They're also afraid of Pea Shooters. See photos for examples of people doing this right and staying safe from the undead.

Know the Schedule

The zombie dancers begin sometime around 7pm with the first performance happening at Opa. The locations can change a bit from year to year, but they've always followed a counter-clockwise circuit through Downtown Campbell. From Opa, they head toward the train tracks and loop back. The night ends a bit before they complete their loop at 9pm at El Guapo's.

If you divide Downtown Campbell into quadrants, it takes them about 30 minutes to get through each quarter. If you're trying to predict where and when you'll see them, this is a pretty good rule of thumb, but get in position early because sometimes previously planned stops get skipped.

Grab a Table

Pick your favorite restaurant along the route with outdoor tables, make reservations for dinner, and enjoy a dinner show. If you're seated somewhere along Campbell Ave between 3rd St. and the train tracks, they will pass you at some point and will most likely perform at your spot.

Enjoy the Show

Most people don't know this, but zombies have feelings too. If you're encouraging them by laughing at their antics or cheering their moves, they'll eat someone else. They prefer eating grouchy no-fun people.

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