Fall Wine Walk is on a Thursday and Tickets are on Sale Now

Posted on August 19th, 2023 by Downtown Campbell

Tickets for our Fall Wine Walk are now ON SALE and we also have something exciting to tell you!

For the first time since we started doing Wine Walks in the spring fo 2010, we're doing the Wine Walk on a Thursday night instead of Wednesday. Our Wine Walks have been very popular right from the start, but one thing we keep hearing is that people wanted to do it on Friday or Saturday night.

We can't do Friday or Saturday because it's just not possible to hold a high traffic event when Downtown Campbell's already going to be full of people as it is. Thursday is a day we can try out. Let us know what you think. If you prefer it, we'll schedule all of our future Wine Walks on Thursdays.

Our Fall Wine Walk will be on Thursday, September 21st from 6-9pm. Advance sale tickets are $50 plus ticketing fees. Advance sale pricing ends on the week of the event and the ticket price goes up to $55 starting on Monday, September 17th.

Purchase confidently because your tickets will be refundable up until the day of the event.

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